Our vision

Advancing learning for specialist physicians to deliver the best health care for all.

Commitment statement

We partner and collaborate to:

  • Lead the evolution of specialty medical education and standards
  • Support specialist physicians, learners and teams to continuously improve
  • Advocate for excellence in specialty medicine by supporting innovation, well-being, equity and person-centered care

Read our strategic plan »

Five things that distinguish us as the Royal College

We set the highest standards

The Royal College is the national professional association that oversees the medical education of specialists in Canada. We accredit the university programs that train resident physicians for their specialty practices, and we write and administer the demanding examinations that residents must pass to become certified as specialists.

We promote lifelong learning

We protect the health of Canadians by helping physicians build skills, knowledge and expertise in their specialties. Our Maintenance of Certification Program supports specialist physicians along their paths of lifelong learning and professional development and ensures their continued competence in a constantly evolving medical environment.

We are influential in the medical community

We share our expertise and maintain close working relations with Canada’s 17 university medical schools, national professional associations, national specialty societies, voluntary health organizations and government agencies. Our voice is respected and influential in critical discussions on issues that affect medical education, medical research and the delivery of high-quality health care to Canadians.

We advance scholarship and research

We contribute to scholarship on medical education, educational standards and health policy. In collaboration with leading researchers and partners in specialty medicine, we work to establish more effective ways to assess physician competence and find innovative solutions to health system issues that are important to Canadians.

We have an international presence

We support global standards in health care, training values and professional development by sharing our educational activities and tools with sister colleges in other countries. We establish relations with global partners and assist them to build their capacity to provide specialty medical education and create their own sustainable health systems. Read more about our international activities

Learn more about what we do »