Policy and position statements

The Royal College informs and influences health and public policy by issuing policy and position statements. Our work touches on a wide variety of healthcare issues of concern to Canadian physicians, specialty medicine and the healthcare system.

Current focus areas

Scopes of practice

The Statement on Scopes of Practice calls on regulators and governments to respect a set of principles to manage evolving scopes of practice for all health professionals. This is essential to maintain patient safety and wellness during the uptake of new or redesigned scopes of practice of health providers.

Safeguarding the quality of medical education and the workforce

Safeguarding the quality of the educational continuum and medical workforce in Canada’s complex health care system is a policy response to shifts in health care delivery and the proliferation of medical education and training to settings outside the traditional teaching hospital. These changes may have profound implications on the education of future doctors and access to care.

Workforce self-sufficiency

The Royal College has a issued statement calling upon federal, provincial and territorial governments to embrace the principle of responsible self-sufficiency in meeting the needs of Canada’s workforce of health professional workforce.

Learn more. Get involved.
